QuantiX Pro Help

My Strategies

Your strategies are stored here. This section has three main sections for Crypto, Forex, and Equity markets. You can turn your strategies into paper or live trading bots and run them privately or publish them on the Marketplace.


Use the buttons below to manage your strategies.




Removes the strategies from your account.

Export as

Saves the data of selected strategies in a .csv file.


Updates the contents of the strategy table.


Use filters to find strategies added to favorites or retrieve them using attached tags.

Search Bar

Search for strategy names to locate them in the Strategies Table.

Strategies Table

You can find your strategies in the Strategies Table, which displays key information about each strategy. It also provides a set of administrative tools to help you manage them efficiently.




Provides functionalities for bot editing and management. Learn more here.


The name given to the strategy.

Created Time

The date and time when the strategy was created.


Indicates whether the strategy runs in Portfolio or Single Asset mode.


The trading pair(s) included in the strategy.

Best Pair

The pair with the best performance in the strategy.


The Sharpe ratio of the strategy. Learn more here.


The Calmar ratio of the strategy. Learn more here.

Expected Annual Return (%)

The expected yearly return from the strategy, based on backtesting results.

Profit to Loss Ratio

Measures how much profit is made relative to losses. It is calculated as (average profit per trade) / (average loss per trade).

Time in Market

The percentage of the backtesting period during which the strategy had open trades.

Maximum Recovery Time (Days)

The longest time (in days) it took for the strategy to recover from a drawdown during backtesting.

Market Type

Specifies whether the strategy trades in Futures or Spot markets.


Defines the trading direction; can be Long, Short, or Long-Short.


The leverage used by the strategy. For spot market strategies, leverage is always 1.


The primary timeframe in which the strategy operates.

Money Management

Displays the money management policy of the strategy. Learn more here.

Time Range

The backtesting period associated with the strategy.

Average Trade Duration

The average holding period of trades executed by the strategy.

Expected Trades Per Day

The estimated number of trades the strategy executes daily.

Market Change

The market change of the selected pairs over the backtesting period.

Number of Steps

The number of pyramiding steps in the strategy.

Accumulation Type

The method used for adding pyramiding steps. Can be Simple, Martingale, or Custom.

Backtest Name

The name of the backtest linked to the strategy.


The tag(s) assigned to the strategy.


These actions are available in the Strategies Table and allow you to manage your strategies.



Publish on Marketplace

Adds your strategy to the Marketplace.


Provides access to the backtesting report of the strategy.

Manage Tags

Allows you to attach tags to a strategy or remove it from one.


Removes a strategy from the table.

Last modified: 22 February 2025