QuantiX Pro Help


The Memory function propagates the state of a candle to the future. Using the Memory function, previous events are accessible. Inputs of the function are:

  • Timeframes: The timeframes in which the function is applied

  • Feature Names: The feature to which the function is applied

  • Memory Window Length: The size of the memory; the labels will be available in the future for the Memory Window Length number of candles.

  • Ignored Values: Values entered in this field are ignored by the function and will not be propagated to the future.

  • Output Column Name(s): The name of the column in which the result will be stored


Many events happen in a single candle, but they must be considered for some time. For example, the intersection of two moving averages might signal a possible change in the trend direction and must be considered in the analysis even after the intersection occurs. To do so, we use the Cross function to find intersections. To read more about the Cross function, read its documentation. To remember the intersections, We use the Memory function in the following manner:


The function is set to ignore not cross values. This means that the propgation happens only if the value of sma_10_sma20_cross is either corss over or cross under.

As is seen, the function propagates the most recent state of sma_10_sma20_cross for five candles unless its value is not cross. After five candles, the value of the smas_cross_memory becomes equal to sma_10_sma20_cross.

Last modified: 20 February 2025